Born in the Tundra of Minnesota, I have since become a bit of a Gypsy. Currently calling home base the hot sands of Arizona, I do still travel often. Whether the journey is a physical one, or one taken by reading a fantastic book it doesn't matter, the fun is always in the adventure. As always I am an eclectic person that likes a wide array of things and has many passions. Creating, advocating for animals and Mothering just to name a few.

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The Purple Booker

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This is a new Meme I saw listed on The Daily Meme site and decided I would give it a try and see how it goes. I am of course working on my crafty things but in an effort to make this blog feel more like my every day home again I want to add some stuff besides letter writing and craft stuff. I know I know is there really anything else? Well some days no and some day’s yes. Besides writing of all kinds is creative, right?

This Meme is daily and is held over at the That’s my answer blog, I am going to do it on Tuesday’s and perhaps another day of the week, but Tuesday’s for sure.

So the question today is:

So where do you fall on the whole Lance Armstrong thing? Care? Don’t care?

My reply is that the whole thing makes me ANGRY. I like many believed the man when he said he was not on the drugs, and it was a witch hunt. After all he is so high profile and was in the sport for so many years, I could not imagine he would have gotten away with what he did for so long. It looks like I (and others) were dead wrong.

What makes me the angriest is not so much that he used the drugs. Of course that is a factor, but he is hardly alone in that. Just take a look at the huge use of performance in handing drugs in baseball. It is the fact that he so baldly lied about it. I felt bad for the guy! I felt bad for someone who was lying his ass of an making everyone feel bad for him. Yes okay he finally came out with the truth, but seriously I do not feel one lick bad for him now. Not one.

I am sure some will say “your only mad because you believed him”, well yes that is part of it. I feel a fool for having trusted that he was innocent. I know I am not the only one who fell for it though he had a lot of people in his corner. I hope he gets every book they can throw at him thrown at him. For the record I think many who are caught using the performance enhancers get off to lightly. Yes Lance Armstrong survived a great deal of things with the cancer and all, but I have zero respect for the guy now. None. Nil. Nada. Cheaters never prosper and all of that.

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