Born in the Tundra of Minnesota, I have since become a bit of a Gypsy. Currently calling home base the hot sands of Arizona, I do still travel often. Whether the journey is a physical one, or one taken by reading a fantastic book it doesn't matter, the fun is always in the adventure. As always I am an eclectic person that likes a wide array of things and has many passions. Creating, advocating for animals and Mothering just to name a few.

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The Purple Booker

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cat thursday 2

The True Book Addict.


Meet Jellie and Bellie. Jellie is the one with the cone of shame one, this picture was taken some years ago. She had the Cone of Shame because she had some feline acne she would not stop scratching. But I like the picture over all. Sadly we lost Bellie to a sudden heart attack two years ago. Jellie and Bellie were sisters and came to me when they were barely walking. Jellie and Bellies Mama had been run over by a tractor on the farm and the gal who had them did not know how to care for kittens so young, so I took them in and bottle fed them although they were just starting to eat some wet food. They were so tiny at first I called them Itsy and Bitsy. One day however I came home from work and found them fighting over a Jellie Bellie back they had managed to get a hole of..yes the Candy! So I called them Jellie and Bellie and it stuck.

Such sweet girls! When Bellie passed Jellie was not so sure what to do with herself and became a kitty who refused to get off the kitchen counter top for a long time. She would get down to go to the litter box but we had to keep food and water up there for her, she was sure that the floor would burn her or something. She earned the nick name squirrley girl and Ole Gal (her age as second oldest in the house) for these things. However not to long ago she gave up her vigil on the counter and now she spends snuggle time in the bedroom and is almost back to her old self. She still has her moments of odd ball but hey we love the ole gal!

5 Responses to “Cat Thursday #7”

  1. They are cuties. Cats do mourn so it’s not surprising Jellie hid on the counter when Bellie died. That’s a cute story about how they got their names.

  2. Jill Marie says:

    Awww. What a darling story about their names!
    They are both so pretty.
    I’m glad Jellie is getting back to normal.
    Thanks for sharing and Happy Cat Thursday!

  3. Heather says:

    Jellie and Bellie! love it! Amazing you were able to take care of them so young without their momma.

  4. How sweet! You are a true cat lover, that’s for sure. I had to bottle feed some kittens once. It’s not an easy thing. I’m glad Jellie is finally getting back to her old self. Love the names too!

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