Born in the Tundra of Minnesota, I have since become a bit of a Gypsy. Currently calling home base the hot sands of Arizona, I do still travel often. Whether the journey is a physical one, or one taken by reading a fantastic book it doesn't matter, the fun is always in the adventure. As always I am an eclectic person that likes a wide array of things and has many passions. Creating, advocating for animals and Mothering just to name a few.

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The Purple Booker

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2017 has been a hell of a year. Anything good about it has a stack the size of Texas along side it that is bad. If my last blog posts are any indication, it gives you a small glimpse at shit. That is a small glimpse. There are so many things I haven’t mentioned here or even really out loud. The spectacular shit show that was my life yesterday evening….for starters would boggle most people. Hell it boggles me, but apparently I share to much when I get reemed, or I share to little and don’t trust people. Guess it depends on the minute I am being yelled at. Confused? Yeah me too. I do know there was a point today as I listened to a littany of how my work is harming someone else and that I use my work as an excuse for….no idea because I still am sorting through how work is a bad thing for the first time in a long time I SERIOUSLY thought it would be so much easier to go to sleep forever then have everything I’ve ever done be used as a weapon to injure me for whatever reason.

Apparently there is something about me that has a huge neon sign on it that says please take all of your shit out on me. Of course even attempts to cut the toxic out of my life (even when I am told too!) are wrong. Its wrong to think a person who’s been laying into you when your friends may not bother to pay it back when you are no longer friends. It’s wrong to think given the constant shitty feeling you get over it all or the fairly consistent change of payment dates with little to no information that once whatever thread there is of give a damn is removed there is likely to be problems. There are lots of otherthings I could add to this but doing so would be pointless and likely also result in me getting in trouble for sharing to much about what was leveled on me and whatever else. I can’t keep up.

Biggest lesson I took away from the day. I really should have listned to every single common sense thing that say’s dont lend money to people you care about. Don’t talk about money with people you care about. Money is in general an evil thing the causes nothing but problems.

I’ll leave Shakespeare out of it but its kind of scary how every single book, article and so on about the topic says nearly the same thing. Just two examples…

6. The Borrower May Ask for More
Once you have lent money to a friend or family member, this person may return when he or she needs more money. In addition, other friends and family members may also ask you for a loan.

Pro Tip: Don’t become the go-to lender in your circle of family and friends. You should never be in a state of constant lending.

7. You Enable Instead of Help Your Friend or Family Member
When you lend money to friends or family members, you give them an easy way out of their financial problems, instead of helping them work through their issues.

For example, your cousin may ask for some money to pay off her credit card bill, but she needs help learning how to make a budget. In that situation, refuse the loan, but offer to help your cousin create a budget or to look for alternative forms of income.

Pro Tip: Put your friends or family members in a position that improves their financial situation as well as their understanding of money management in order to truly help them.

Even though you want to be a good person, and you want your friend or family member to love you, don’t lend him or her money if you can help it. Gently refuse the loan, and determine the best way to help your loved ones, instead of enabling them.

Sometimes loving someone involves doing something that they do not want, and they may be disappointed or mad. But if you have their best interests in mind, you can rest easier knowing you won’t jeopardize your relationship.Even though you want to be a good person, and you want your friend or family member to love you, don’t lend him or her money if you can help it. Gently refuse the loan, and determine the best way to help your loved ones, instead of enabling them.

Sometimes loving someone involves doing something that they do not want, and they may be disappointed or mad. But if you have their best interests in mind, you can rest easier knowing you won’t jeopardize your relationship.

Yeah sadly that last bit that saying no will let you rest easier and not relationship harm is utter bullshit. I’m always fucked either way.

I am tired.

Oh wait sorry I am not allowed to talk about that.

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