Born in the Tundra of Minnesota, I have since become a bit of a Gypsy. Currently calling home base the hot sands of Arizona, I do still travel often. Whether the journey is a physical one, or one taken by reading a fantastic book it doesn't matter, the fun is always in the adventure. As always I am an eclectic person that likes a wide array of things and has many passions. Creating, advocating for animals and Mothering just to name a few.

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The Purple Booker

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The picture prompt for this week is:

(can you tell I am enjoying picture prompts?)


The newest lot of prisoners or as Loki preferred to call them new friends were marched into the dungeons of Asgard none of it seemed to be anything out of the ordinary in the way of things. Thor and his friends marching around taking all the credit for everything and bringing in a steady stream of prisoners for the prisons, that was until a slender cloaked figure stopped outside of Loki’s cell, well this was different.

Bastet peered into the clear prison cell of Asgard from beneath the soft gray of the cloak she wore when coming to this land of chill and those who did not seem to think over much beyond the next battle. The one who was in the cell he seemed different. Oh, he looked Asgardian enough in many respects, yet his scent his baring and of course the fact that he was in their prison spoke to something different and to Bastet this was a curious thing. More than curious actually it got her full attention which was not always easy to do. She did not make so much as a movement as she regarded him and in turn she could see him regard her back and it was like this that time would pass for several minutes.

Finally, she broke the regarding stand off by speaking in a soft voice that was as warm as the mid noon sun said, “Who are you to be locked away so?”

Loki had been trying to see past the cloak to who or what was underneath, but it was an effective tool for something so simple, it came as a surprise when a woman’s warm voice came from inside the cloak and one that was not sneering something, so not someone Odin sent. “I am Loki.” He cut himself short of saying anything further as he often did.

Understanding washed over Bastet as the man decided to speak and she couldn’t help but feel a small curve of a smile coming to her lips as she noted he kept himself short, not clipped just not giving much away, “Ah yes so you are the one that has everyone running around like someone kicked an ant hill.”

“That would be me the one put away to rot in a prison. While Thor bumbles about and then becomes King.”

Bastet continued to look at him from beneath her hood and then she laughed softly, “He does seem to bumble about yes. Loki.” She nodded some thoughtfully, “I always heard you were the thinker and a silver tongue, I can think of many things to do with such a tongue”

Loki could not help the smile that touched his lips turning both corners up slightly into a mischievous leer at how she had chosen to play such a comment, “Oh could you now? Well, as tempting as that might be as you can see I am presently rather stuck and have very little of you to go by being all mysterious behind your dark hood.”

She watched that smile as it flickered to life upon his face on that smile was dangerous indeed. Bastet was positive he knew exactly the effect that smile had on others and she knew it was having an effect on her as well, pulling on that raw sensual side of her. The side she was being very careful to keep leashed while on this little visit to Asgard, however he made it difficult. Coming back from her thoughts she noticed he had tilted his head ever so slightly to the side, meaning she had likely been silent for sometime, when he spoke again in that deep rumble of a teasing voice.

“Cat got your tongue?”’

She laughed then and it was a joyous laugh, honest and pure not a polite laugh and not one that you put on in formal company.”Oh, if only you knew about that.” Finally though she made a choice drawing her hands up to delicately pull the hood from her face. Revealing to him the soft curve of her face and a cupid’s bow mouth, with long raven hair that fell in soft, loose curls down past her waist and presently her eyes taking on a hue of green peered at him. She had for this trip chosen the fully humanoid looking way to appear, seemed to make most Asgardians more comfortable. “Better?”

Loki hadn’t honestly thought she would remove the hood, he had been prodding out of his usual mischievous way of things. This woman was if nothing else entertainment he had not had in a while. However, when the dark hood came away and revealed her face and all of that dark and rich hair the silver tongue fell completely silent just looking upon her. He had not honestly expected such a captivating creature beneath the hood, most who hide do so for good reason. This one, had no reason to hide he could also feel a slight sense around her as if this was just one of several forms she could take but by far all of them beautiful. Perhaps that was just a wishful thought, but it was a feeling none the less.

Bastets lips curled as she watched many things flicker through the Asgardians eyes, he was thinking a great many things at once, which was fair and she liked it he was clever. So many went for the first baser instinct they felt, clearly he felt them. Her eyes travelled down along to rest just below his waist for that, VERY clearly. Yet that was not the only thought he processed. “Now who has their tongue grabbed by the feline?” she said with a slow purr rolling from her voice and as she did, she allowed with a soft violet shimmer around her the sleek black feline tail she called in one form to flick out and waggle in a teasing manner in the cell.

“Oh” was not the most intelligent of things to say, but it is what Loki found himself saying it at that reveal. Oh, what a Naughty girl! He had to shift slightly to use a wider stance and be more comfortable. Come on Loki get a grip even if she would be incredibly fun to take against the side of the cell, it would not happen. This cell was your home for the foreseeable future. He cleared his throat and inclined his head to her, “Worth the reveal.”

Her eyes dilated some when he had to shift it gave her a better reveal anyways. That is when she made another choice, “How would you like to get out of that cage?”

“I was obviously not made to reside in one, but how do you plan to remove me from it? It is Odin himself, who locked me up after all.”

“Foolish of him”

“I like the way you think.”

Bastet laughed, “I can have you removed from there, although you might not like the circumstances.”

He levelled a steady gaze on her, his eyes almost hard, yet so deep, smoldering fire burned within them “I just want to be out of here”

“Then I shall be back shortly.” She said and turned to go before he could so much as raise a finger to ask but what are you doing.




Bastet was swift following her tour guide guard into the large and sweeping chamber that held King Odin, she knew he would be there as he knew she had arrived. So to this end she wasted no time or preamble.

“I have come this day to Asgard to collect the debt you owe Odin, All Father of Asgard.”

Odin stiffened, but he could keep somewhat of a poker face as he looked upon the formidable Daughter of Ra, “The debt is owed to your Father”

“Which he specifically stated was for me to collect You know this Odin. Let us not play games around it. I want the debt, and I will have it this day. My Father and his Armies including myself.” She arched a brow at him “gave you aid a great deal of it in many times of need. We spilled blood. The price was a simple one.”

Odin’s jaw set slightly but he nodded “Yes, an Asgardian male of your choosing when you chose.”

“Exactly so, ANY Asgardian male.”

“You cannot have Thor.”

The laugh that left her lips this time was almost cruel, it was not amused, “I could if I wished it. The deal you made with my Father was ANY. That said Odin, I do not wish Thor. He is an oaf, we have plenty of those back home.” She held up a hand in case he wanted to argue or say she was insulting “You banished him down to the land of the mortals yourself for a time, so please do not argue the fact.” Slowly her lips curled up “I want your other Son, Loki.” She was fairly sure the old man could not have registered more shock on his face if she had flashed him, of course that might actually be less shocking considering her nature.

“Loki….is not Asgardian and he is in Prison..for crimes against Midgard and commited here.”

“You always said to my Father you had two Sons of Asgard did you not? Thor and Loki..this is the same Loki isn’t it?”

“Yes, but he is of Jotunheim, I took him when he was but a babe.”

“Yet when you raised him you raised him as your Son, did you not? Told ALLIES he was your SON..YOU Odin All Father of Asgard.”


“Then for all purposes he is of Asgard and Asgardian.”

“He is a monster.”

Slowly, her eyes shifted to a more golden color and they narrowed upon Odin, “Perhaps some of us have different definitions of Monster. He is who I wish to fulfill the debt. It matters not to me, you have him in a cell, after all you essentially agreed to a pact of slavery to the male that I chose when you agreed to my Fathers deal. So what matter you if he is in chains here or with me. At least with me he would no longer be your problem.”

Odin was silent, then considering her words. True, he could get rid of Loki and chances are the feline beast on the battlefield would do away with him in short order if the stories were true that she had heard. Shifting his staff he looked to a good “Put Loki in his chains, make sure he is secure from Queen Bastet.”

She knew he would see it her way. Foolish old man, he saw Loki as nothing desirable just a problem to be rid of. More the fool him, she could see a great many things to desire in just a brief meeting with him. With that settled, she turned on her heels and left the massive room, taking her time and making her way back to down to the prison.


By the time Bastet’s slow journey brought her back into the cells of Asgard they had Loki ready. There where she counted no less than 8 guards on him, with heavy chaining around his neck, then looped down to his legs, around his hips and down onto his feet. Two guards held onto the long, heavy chain and back away from him. She also noted there was a gag over his mouth.

Overkill much? She couldn’t help but muse looking at the guards “All this for one Asgardian?”

“He is dangerous, King Odin said to make him secure for you.”

Slowly she neared him, watching his eyes track her suspiciously as she did upon reaching him she reached one hand up and trailed it along his cheek over the gag. Then, with a movement that was swift and smooth as she ripped the gag off and threw it at the nearest guard. Then held her hands out demanding the chains. The two men holding the chains put them in her hand quickly.

Loki put his head to the side slightly after being freed of the gag over his mouth and watching the chains go into her slim hand, she held them as if they weighed little. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that.”

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