Born in the Tundra of Minnesota, I have since become a bit of a Gypsy. Currently calling home base the hot sands of Arizona, I do still travel often. Whether the journey is a physical one, or one taken by reading a fantastic book it doesn't matter, the fun is always in the adventure. As always I am an eclectic person that likes a wide array of things and has many passions. Creating, advocating for animals and Mothering just to name a few.

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The Purple Booker

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1. Someone posts a question on a website’s message board asking a simple question that could easily be answered with a Google search: does that bother you? Do you tell them to look it up, or would you just provide the answer? I would provide the answer. Some people would rather have someone else tell them than trust a website, no harm done.

2. A co-worker in the cubicle next to you clips his fingernails regularly. Would this annoy you enough to make you complain? I would not complain but it would annoy me. Clip your nails at home!

3. You’re in line at a checkout counter when the person being waited on is delaying things because they won’t stop talking on her cell phone. Would this bother you? Would you say something about it? It would annoy me. I can not stand when people will not get off their cell phone to check out and treat the person checking them out like a human. That said..I probably would not say anything. I am passie agressive sometimes.

4. At work, you go to the coffee area and see that the person before you has left a minor spill of coffee and sweetener. Would it bother you enough that you’d clean it up, or just leave it for someone else? I would clean it up. Leaving it for the next person is no better than the person who spilled it not cleaning it up.

5. A co-worker’s cell phone keeps ringing every few minutes while they’re away from their desk. The ringtone is particularly annoying. If you knew they wouldn’t be back for an hour or more, would you be annoyed enough to turn the cell phone off? Yes I would.

6. Someone you know regularly returns a, “Hello, how are you?” with a simple, “Fine” and no effort to ask how you are. Would this bother you enough to make you stop asking them if you knew they’d never return the courtesy? Nope because I am being polite. If they are not that is their Karma not mine.

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1. What’s your least favorite part of the morning? When…I am still awake because of my insomnia.

2. Is there generally any day of the week that you usually sleep later than normal? If so, which day, and how often do you actually get to sleep in late? ha..Nope.

3. When the alarm clock first goes off, do you immediately get up, or do you take advantage of that snooze button? SNOOZE!

4. Do you sleep with the television on or off? On

5. Take the quiz: What Part of the Morning Are You?

You Are Slippers

You aren’t really a morning person. Mornings are a little too early and cold for your taste.

It’s hard for you not to just turn off your alarm and sleep in. Your bed is so warm and cozy.

Whenever you have the chance, you take your morning as slowly as possible. You take a long time to wake up.

It’s not unusual for your “morning” to carry over into the afternoon. You are definitely not a morning person!

6. What’s the part of your morning you least look forward to every day? Doesn’t this go with number 1? Anyways its the part I know is coming the part where I can’t sleep like a normal person.

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1. What is the most snow you remember ever seeing where you live? The Halloween Snow storm…cars were completely buried.

2. Given a choice, would you prefer a day of snow or a day of rain? Rain.

3. How easily does your local area respond to snow or ice on roads? VERY

4. Considering the source from which you most often get your forecast, how accurate was that source over the past week? I haven’t watched the weather people at all……heh.

5. Take the quiz: Are You a Snow Bunny?

You Are a Snow Kitten

You like snow in small doses. You find snow to be comforting, and you love to snuggle up under a blanket of snow.

You’re not a big fan of the hassles of snow. You’re happy to see it come, but you’re also happy to see it go.

Go ahead and venture out in the snow from time to time! Throw a snowball or make a snow angel.

You have an inner snow bunny inside you, and it’s time to let that bunny play.

6. Okay, it’s time to confess: when the snow starts moving in, do you go to the grocery store and buy up all of the milk and bread? No but I do head out and stock up on some stuff…but I do not buy it all.

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1. What is the most extreme weather you’ve experienced where you live in the past week? Lots of snow and it has been very cold.

2. What’s the worst kind of storm you’ve experienced in person? I would say the really bad tornado I lived through while in a tent in the middle of the woods.

3. Where are you more likely to get your weather forecast: on TV, on the radio, in the newspaper, or online? Online.

4. Do you have access to 24-hour channels like The Weather Channel or WeatherPlus? If so, how often do you watch them? Never.

5. Take the quiz: What Kind of Storm Are You?

You Are a Hurricane

You are downright deadly. No one would ever try to mess with you.

You are feared and rightly so. Once you get on the warpath, there’s no stopping you.

People know to get out of your way as soon as they can. You only pick up momentum as you progress.

You may calm down temporarily, but you always get a second wind. You’re one storm that takes a while to pass.

Is this good or bad? lol

6. What’s your favorite kind of food to eat when you’re home on a chilly, rainy day? Nacho’s!

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1. Without looking it up, how many of the following could you correctly name off the top of your head: your state slogan, your state tree, your state flower, your state bird, your state dog, your state song, your state dance, and your state beverage? I think I can name a fair amount of them as I did a paper on things like that although it was yeaaaaarrssss ago. State Slogan is Explore Minnesota, Tree is Norway Pine , Flower is Lady Slipper, Bird is the Loon, State song is Hail Minnesot, Beverage is MILK! I had to look up Dance, Dog. We do not have a state dog and we don’t have a state dance. although according to one page Square dancing was proposed as the state dance in 1992.

2. Suppose you started your own state: based on your personality, what would you want for your new state’s slogan? My own state slogan? Where History is Remembered.

3. If you had to choose one kind of animal to represent your state — mammal, fish, reptile, insect…but just one — which would you choose and which specific breed would you select?
Horse, Arabian for the breed because I find that the most noble of the horses and it is my prefference 🙂

4. What would be the pick for your state’s official drink? PEPSI.

5. Take the quiz: What State Are You?

You Are California

You are cutting edge and diverse. People may call you flaky, but you can’t help that you have a lot going on.

In general, you are friendly and laid back. There’s nothing you like better than a quiet afternoon at the beach.

You are socially progressive and open minded. Anyone is welcome into your circle of friends.

You may be a bit image conscious, but you understand that appearances matter!

THIS was very odd to me, and I have never even been to CA.

6. Go to Wikipedia and look up that state: what is its slogan and how good of a fit would it be for your new state? California’s Slogan is Eureka…and I don’t think it would suit my state. *lol*

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1. You’re offered your own late night talk show. If it were completely up to you, what would you the name of the show to be? I have no idea..lmao Late Night on Olympus maybe..hehe.

2. Which actor or actress would you want as your first guest? Jackson Rathbone or James Purefoy.

3. Which comedian would you want as your first comedy performer? Eddie Izzard.

4. Which musician or group would you want to be the first musical performer on your show? Bon Jovi.

5. Which existing song or melody would you select for your theme song if writing something specifically for your show wasn’t an option? Muse Supermassive Black Hole

6. Suppose you could magically go back in time and bring back any performer of any kind, living or dead, to be your first guest: who would you select? How about a War Time Genius…Edward the Black Prince of Wales.

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1. You’re at an Italian restaurant on a first date: how do you eat your spaghetti: do you cut it with the folk or roll it onto the tines? (And eating something else isn’t an option!) I roll it on the tines. I have always eaten my Sketti that way.

2. You’ve prepared a nice soup for dinner when you happen to hear a news story that bay leaves, even after being cooked, are sharp enough to tear internal organs when eaten whole. (It’s true.) Do you fish them out of your masterpiece, warn your guests in advance not to eat them, or just assume everyone knows to not eat the extra greenery? Oh I would be fishing them out and warning my guests. Who wants to have company get that harmed from eating soup.

3. You’re having dinner at a nice restaurant with a group of friends and acquaintances. The sauce of your main course is the best you’ve ever tasted. You’ve eaten most of the dish, but you’ve got part of a roll and some sauce left. Do you sop up a little sauce for one more taste?
I am with friends so yes of course I do. All of my friends enjoy good food as well and would give me a look if I didn’t enjoy.

4. This time, you’re at a seafood restaurant with folks you don’t know as well. Do you order a crab or lobster, a dish that would involve a lot of shell-cracking and a potential minor mess, or do you stick with something cleaner like a nice grilled fillet? Well I am majorly allergic to shellfish so even if I was with my husband I wouldn’t order anything thats in a shell. So Fillet it is!

5. You’re invited to a cookout by a friend, but when you get there, you discover that the main thing being cooked, that everyone else is a big fan of, is something you don’t like. Would you still eat a serving to be neighborly, or try to talk your way out of that one dish? I would have a small portion just to be friendly. I have done it before, I will do it again.

6. You’re back at a seafood restaurant with friends. Unknowingly, you order a fish that is served whole, head and all. Do you send it back or just deal with it? Boy this seafood restuarant is popular. (I never go to them due to risk of cross contamination of shell fish) however if I got a whole fish head and all I would send it back. EW.

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1. From the scenario described above, would you press the button if the stranger claimed that you’d immediately receive $10 million, but a total stranger elsewhere would die: would you press the button? No I would not.

2. What if the offer were increased to $50 million, but the catch was that someone you know personally — either family, a friend, a co-worker, or an acquaintance — would die, and you’d have no control of who it was: would you press the button? No I would not.

3. What if he told you that pushing the button would give you $10 million, but that an inmate on death row would die of natural causes: would you press the button? While I think those who are on Death Row have the reason to be there. I am not the one stated by law to pull the trigger. For any amount of money. So No I would not.

4. What if, in addition to the scenario in #2, he confirmed that the death row inmate had genuinely committed the crime of which he was convicted, so there was no chance of killing an “innocent” man: would you then press the button? No I would not for the same reason above.

5. What if, instead of any of those scenarios, the stranger said pressing the button would give you $1 million dollars and the knowledge of exactly what day and what time you would die: would you still press the button? Maybe. At least I could be prepared.

6. And what if, instead of any other scenario, the stranger told you that pressing the button would give you just $10,000, but that you’d also have a one-hour, one-on-one encounter with God, removing all doubt that He exists, but that you’d then have to live a life that reflected your newly-found knowledge. Would you press the button? Um…No thanks.

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1. What is your favorite holiday of the year? Halloween! (might not be an offical but it is for me!)

2. What are the three things that makes this your favorite? Costumes! Candy! I still get mail.

3. What is your least favorite holiday of the year? Easter.

4. Considering days that are celebrated but that are not holidays, like St. Patrick’s Day and Valentine’s Day, for example, which one would you make into a national holiday if you had the chance? St. Patricks day for sure.

5. Take the quiz: What Should You Celebrate?

If you can’t kiss the one you love, kiss the one you’re with!

You can’t help but get swept away by the romance of this special night.

Of course, drinking lot of champagne doesn’t hurt make everyone else seem a little more appealing.

6. If there were a holiday created to celebrate the specific thing listed as the answer in #5, would you willingly celebrate it? Yes I would.

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and play along there. Enjoy!

1. What’s the most cluttered room of your home? My Bedroom.

2. At work, compared to your co-workers, is your desk more cluttered, less cluttered, or about the same? When I was in an office, my desk was about the same aseveryone else.

3. How long do you keep newspapers after you’ve read them? I don’t keep them at all.

4. Take the quiz: How Cluttered is Your Mind?

Your Mind is 48% Cluttered

Your mind is starting to get cluttered, and as a result, it’s a little harder for you to keep focused.

Try to let go of your pettiest worries and concerns. The worrying is worse than the actual problems!

5. How much of your clutter is all in your head: are you more likely to hang on to things you should just let go of? I think most of my clutter is in the house.more than in my head.

6. What’s more cluttered: your bedroom closet or your car’s trunk? Bedroom Closet.

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