Born in the Tundra of Minnesota, I have since become a bit of a Gypsy. Currently calling home base the hot sands of Arizona, I do still travel often. Whether the journey is a physical one, or one taken by reading a fantastic book it doesn't matter, the fun is always in the adventure. As always I am an eclectic person that likes a wide array of things and has many passions. Creating, advocating for animals and Mothering just to name a few.

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The Purple Booker

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This Meme is daily and is held over at the Thats my answer blog

Sadly the Thats my answer blog is still down and not posting new questions so I fished around again and found a different one.

What is your favorite time of the day and why?

I like the hour or so just before dawn. Due to my insomnia I am usually awake but I have found this time of day is so still and relaxing. Most people are asleep and many times so are the animals. It is just a very still time and I like that, as if the world is taking a breath before waking up for the day.

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Thats my answer is Meme is daily and is held over at the Thats my answer blog

Since thats my answer has not updated in a while I went in search of some question in other questions for the day. So here we go.

What is the fanciest or strangest or worst restaurant you have ever eaten at?

The strangest place I have ever eaten at was a restaurant that was completely dark. I mean pitch black no little bit of light at all. It was a very interesting eating experience. The food tasted better and I managed not to spill on myself.

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This Meme is daily and is held over at the Thats my answer blog

If you had to wear all white for the entire day, how long before you spilled something on it?

These days with my klutz on full display? Probably a grand total of 5 minutes. Maybe 10 if I have someone supervising me. I know..sad right?

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Thats my answer is Meme is daily and is held over at the That’s my answer blog

Do you ever feel completely rested and unrushed?

Now that I have spent the last 5 minutes laughing. Okay it was 10. No, I never feel fully rested and I never feel unrushed. I always have something going on and I have chronic insomnia among a great deal of other things. So none of that leads to feeling rested. Thank you for the laugh on this one though!

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This Meme is daily and is held over at the That’s my answer blog

What’s more fun than a barrel full of monkeys?

Oh I can think of a lot of things more fun. Off the top of my head..a pile of books, a cuddle from my pups and kitties. Sex!!!! Horse back rides… yeah I just shouted Sex, deal with it. lol

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Thats my answer is Meme is daily and is held over at the That’s my answer blog

What would you include inside of your emergency kit?

Band-aids, gauze, duct tape, plastic bags, matches, small pair of scissors, candles, flash light, chocolate, water.

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This Meme is daily and is held over at the That’s my answer blog

What do you need to get off your chest today? Is there anything you’d like to vent about? Looking for advice? Support?

I need to get off my chest that I am tired of my sleep pattern being so screwed up. I really am. I have tried to be “normal” with sleep which never works very well but my current sleep pattern is even more screwed up then usual. I would like to go back to “normal” screwy please.

Oh I also want to say that dude from MN who murdered Cecil the Lion is a douche. Karma needs to kick him hard in the balls.

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Thats my answer is Meme is daily and is held over at the That’s my answer blog

Where or when was the last time you used the drive-thru?

Well that is a simple one the last one I used was the bank and that was last week for a deposit. If there is a drive through I will generally use it. The only bad drive thru is the Pharmacy. I have never used a Pharmacy drive through that didn’t take longer then it would have if I walked inside. So generally that is the one place I will skip the drive through.

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This Meme is daily and is held over at the That’s my answer blog

Think about the generation immediately younger or older than you. What do you understand least about them — and what can you learn from them?

In all honestly, I understand very little about the generation right after me. I am rather proud to be a member of Generation X, I played outside and used my imagination, I called my parents from a land line and duck hunt was a treat of a video game to get to play when it arrived. I really work hard on grasping a lot of the generation after me, the whole expectation of getting everything now, being glued to a cell phone or tablet EVERYWHERE they go ect. Don’t get me wrong, I am not sitting on the lawn brandishing a stick, saying “Hey, you kids get off my lawn!” (tempting though it may be) and I am far from being a afraid of technology. I love my iPhone, laptop, kindle and tablet too. Very handy for work, let me tell you! That said, take it all away from me for a while and I am happy to read (from a book), write a pen pal letter, crochet ect.

To add onto that I can’t get on board with this whole way that parenting is being done by a lot of the younger generation. Kids seem to be spoiled, never hear the word no and are being raised by TV’s, cell phones and tablets. I mean I know some very young kids who have expensive cell phones, tablets and laptops and think they are entitled to that (and by young I mean under 10 years old here), what is up with that? I was spanked as a child by my Mum and Dad and I think I turned out perfectly fine. Yes, there is a line where spanking can turn into something more, but I feel the majority of good responsible parents never crossed that line. I got one good smack on the ass, two of I had been particularly bad and you don’t see me talking to a therapist about it. Also in school guess what? If you won a contest you got an award if you didn’t win you didn’t get an award. Boohoo, guess what, it made you try harder next time.

Right, so off the soap box.

The generation before me, shockingly or perhaps not shockingly, I do understand them. I have always had a very good relationship with those who are older than me. Some of my best friends are old enough they could be my Grandmother and I am perfectly okay with that. Things were simpler and all of that. Due to the fact I am perfectly comfortable with doing things like crochet and pen paling (with a fountain pen even) I think it makes me the odd duck of my generation. I suspect more of my generation understands the younger one then the older. I could be wrong about that, of course I certainly don’t know everyone of my generation.

So there you have it Thats my answer my thoughts on the generations, time to go brandish my stick (kidding..mostly).

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This Meme is daily and is held over at the That’s my answer blog

If you were forced to give up one sense, but gain super-sensitivity in another, which senses would you choose?.

This is a really tough one because I like all of my senses. A lot. This may seem like a cop out but I don’t think I would give up any of them willingly.Gun to my head I suppose I would give up taste and want a better sense of smell. My seem like an odd combo but gun to my head I think those are the ones I would pick. Though no gun to my head and no forcing I want to keep all of them because I use all of them. Sure some more then others but I do use them all.

Now that made me oddly anxious so I need to cuddle my kittens.

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