Born in the Tundra of Minnesota, I have since become a bit of a Gypsy. Currently calling home base the hot sands of Arizona, I do still travel often. Whether the journey is a physical one, or one taken by reading a fantastic book it doesn't matter, the fun is always in the adventure. As always I am an eclectic person that likes a wide array of things and has many passions. Creating, advocating for animals and Mothering just to name a few.

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The Purple Booker

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The Netflix Doc about Steven Avery has been the hot topic of conversation since it came out. Now of course the documentary is biased towards Avery so you have to look at that side of things. With that said I think that anyone can see how screwed up things that went on there were.

I am not sure if Mr. Avery is innocent. I would have to know more information however, between what was shown in the documentary and research I did on my own I am not sure he is guilty either. That is of course reasonable doubt, and Mr. Avery certainly was not given his proper due process.

One thing that stands out huge to me was a relatively small thing in the documentary. In one of the many searches of Mr. Avery’s house officers were filming. They go in very close to a letter sitting on his desk a letter from the innocent project inviting him to a dinner. The officer goes in a joking manner “Well, I guess he won’t be making that now will he?” This was before formal charges were filed. The officer then goes on to comment about the shoes in the closet and collecting them about robbery’s in the area. That seems a bit funny to me, especially since this county was not supposed to be involved at all they asked for a special prosecutor and help from another department.

There is no denying a couple of things, Mr. Avery was wrongly imprisoned for 18 years. The county had A LOT to lose out on since he filed a lawsuit and that in that area the family was considered white trash. The work done in the police investigation was shoddy at best I mean it took what 8 searches for them to find the car key? When they did find it the key was sitting neatly as you like out in the open between some shoes. Really?

I would also like to know why no large amount of blood or evidence of it was found anywhere in the house. If you stab someone and shoot someone there is going to be a lot of blood. As messy as that place was (looked a bit like hoarders) there is no way all the evidence could have been cleaned up. Bottom line they really had very little physical evidence that Mr. Avery killed Ms. Halbach himself. Once again, I do not have all the info, but this all to me speaks of reasonable doubt big time. Honestly, while I am not one who usually buys into conspiracy theories this County had a great deal to lose and they very clearly disliked Mr. Avery a lot. I would say they hated him. They sure had a lot to gain by putting him away again on a charge like Murder.

Let us not forget what was done to Mr. Avery’s nephew Mr. Dassey. That poor kid is really not smart. He knows it, I think everyone knows it. I am not sure he has the mental capacity to understand his Miranda rights let alone be part of a mastermind murder cover up. The interrogations that were done with Mr. Dassey, who was THEN a minor were SO wrong and very leading. There is something rotten in the state of Denmark with all of this case. It really just blows my mind how no one could see anything wrong with what went on. I do not understand that at all.

So yeah, there is my take on it. I personally suspect he didn’t do it. I can’t say for sure and the whole thing smacks of reasonable doubt. Most of all I feel bad for Mr. Avery’s Mom. This poor woman has done everything for her Son, everything she could do to help him. Hours upon hours of helping him. Just when she thought she had won and she had her son back, he is taken away again. That poor Woman. It is just nearly impossible to feel for her. The justice system has failed the Avery’s big time and Steve Avery and his Nephew are not the only victims it has claimed.


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