Born in the Tundra of Minnesota, I have since become a bit of a Gypsy. Currently calling home base the hot sands of Arizona, I do still travel often. Whether the journey is a physical one, or one taken by reading a fantastic book it doesn't matter, the fun is always in the adventure. As always I am an eclectic person that likes a wide array of things and has many passions. Creating, advocating for animals and Mothering just to name a few.

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The Purple Booker

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Can we just take a moment to say how awesome this is? 15 years old folks and more mature then a lot of men I know in this world.  Menstruation is not a shameful thing it is natural and what we women have to deal with like it or not. Seeing this young man step  up like this is a wonderful thing.

I remember many times in High school (oh so long ago now) when I had an overflow or my period showed up well before I expected it and the terror involved with such a thing. It is not fun, it is embarrassing and you put all of that on top of already not feeling well. Your gal pals understood but guys..usually laughed or made a face about how gross it was. I salute you young man it is such a simple thing but so meaningful.

This is a case of parenting you are doing it right because this young man has certainly been raised right. Need more men like this in the world! Real men support women!


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He took a selfie with pads and tampons, but it wasn’t a prank. Now the image is inspiring an entire generation of men to support their female friends in a practical yet important way.

Two months ago, 15-year-old Jose Angel Garcia posted this unusual selfie on Instagram.

The caption read: “TO EVERY BOY THAT FOLLOWS ME AND CALLS HIMSELF A MAN OR SIMPLY A GOOD HUMAN BEING. Petition for all of us to start bringing a couple pads or tampons to school to help our girl friends.”

Most 10th grade boys (and plenty of much older ones) treat menstruation like a repulsive disease. They wouldn’t be caught dead holding a tampon, and I’ve yet to meet one who could resist a wisecrack about PMS. Not Jose.

“I actually had started carrying tampons and pads in my bag because my girl friends often had to improvise with amusing (but not-so-sanitary) ways to stop themselves from leaking,” he told Buzzfeed.

Then, he posted the maxi-pad selfie with the hashtag #realmensupportwomen as a call to action to other high-school boys.

“If you have a girlfriend or are friends with a girl, u should know that they do not always have tampons or pads on them, or that sometimes their period just hits them without notice and have a bit of a problem finding one. We should support them with this, after all, we don’t have to go trough all they they do because of menstruation, so it’s just logical that we help them. You should already know to give them your sweater and not question when they wrap it around their waist. So let’s step it up a notch and help them out. IF YOU HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR YOUR MOTHER, YOUR GIRLFRIEND, OR JUST WOMEN IN GENERAL I EXPECT FOR YOU TO FOLLOW ME ON THIS.

To every girl that follows me. You are completely welcomed to ask me for a pad at any time without receiving a negative response or a dirty look. We should all help each other out like this so you don’t have to thank me at all.”

What started as a simple challenge to his friends has now become a worldwide campaign.

Source: ubykotex
Boys everywhere are “manning up” and showing their support for female friends and family.

Source: akirawoei
And yes, even buying pads and tampons so that they’re ready when Aunt Flo comes to visit someone they care about.

Source: terence730
Jose is encouraged by all the support, and humbled by how quickly his message has been embraced.

“I know I can’t end bigger problems like sexism, racism, homophobia, and others, even though I want to, so for now, I’ll attempt to end the taboo that guys associate menstruation with,” he said.

There aren’t enough thumbs, upvotes, or stars to sufficiently express how much I love this kid. I had awesome guy friends in high school and college, but can’t think of one that would voluntarily talk about periods. Never mind carry a tampon in his backpack.


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