I used to be so passionate about blogging. I couldn’t get enough of it. I would oftentimes spend hours upon hours writing blogs, coming up with blogs and trying to be one of those super cool blog moms you see all over the internet. That part of things never quite went well and then slowly I stopped putting as much effort in. Then it was just like, why should I do it? I don’t feel inspired to blog and my creativity went elsewhere. I think a great deal of that feeling came from doing freelance writing work for other people for so long. It is very easy to burn out when you feel like your creativity is being put in a box or tried like that. That also doesn’t include any of my personal life stress or work. Load it all up like that and you can end up feeling just very meh about everything.
I don’t want to feel that way, but there is the honest truth, I feel very much meh about blogging lately.
I am going to try and work through and past it, because deep down I do still really love blogging. I still want to have fun with it and have different blogs for different things. Silly? Maybe, but it is a passion that, while the love has burned down has not gone out. So perhaps the passion is not gone, it is only hibernating like a bear in winter. I am not sure what kind of things I can do in order to re-kindle things or wake up. I believe part of the process will be writing out a basic plan for some of my (many) blogs.
The Purple Booker: Well, this one is set in stone and gets regular posts even if they are really only the weekly meme ones though I am working on being better with that. The Purple Booker was once Fire & Ice and has always been and always be a book blog.
Birth of a Notion: This is the one I seem to never really fully know what to do with it. I have made it an arty blog, a letter blog, a random blog, a writing blog. It has just gone all over the place and then it ends up being neglected. Perhaps that is the signal I am not paying attention too. Perhaps this blog doesn’t need to be any one specific thing, perhaps it needs to be like me, a little bit chaotic a little bit all over the place with a lot of love and feelings. Perhaps if I just sit back and allow it to flow and stop trying to force it into a hole to make it “popular” or something that could be a “money maker” then I can just settle back and enjoy the blog again. I mean I still love the current theme. I have loved the other themes it has gone through as well.
The Purple Gypsy: This was meant to be me getting back into photography and talking about my travel. I have not completely gotten into this one. Perhaps it is because I feel insecure about my photographs compared to others or perhaps once again, I was setting myself to focus too hard on making it what other people would want it to be. I want to keep the blog and I would still like it to focus on my modest photography and traveling. I just need to find the approach that is going to work best for me and not think about what other people will want it to be. Heck, maybe I will even make some Vlog things on Youtube. Oh Youtube..well tackling talking about that issue is going to be for another day I think.
Creations of Bastet: Now this is a website mainly,of course, one that I have not fully directed traffic to yet. I know why that is, purely worry that the traffic will not follow off Etsy to the website. I am working on that. There is of course a blog attached to it and I meant it to be a fun and crafty blog. Something to go along with the business. I have seen plenty of websites that do that especially ones that deal with the crafty arts. Again for me, I get stunted with it. Perhaps once more that is just my anxiety and worry. My anxiety has truly gotten much worse in the last few years for so many reasons. So what do you do with all of that? Well, you make a blog post like this to give it some thought and hopefully be able to find a clear and definable path.
Feels like Home: This was supposed to be a joint foodie blog with my sister, but it ended up feeling like something that just wasn’t quite right. Maybe it can be fixed, maybe that one will just be quietly let go or given fully over to her. I could always add the food part of my life to The Purple Gypsy as well. That is something that will have to have a conversation attached to it I think.
So there it is, a big long ramble about feeling a bit lost and wanting to find my blog groove again. Can I do it? Maybe. I hope so. I think so. If nothing else I feel like this post is a good first step. Looking at the blogs that are important to me, looking at why I have fallen behind on them and what I can perhaps do to get back. I think for me the biggest thing is going to be just to let go and enjoy the blogging. If others come along and like it fantastic, if they don’t that is okay too. I have other places where I focus my money making so the blog doesn’t need to be a focus for that like my ex used to say it did.