This will come as no shock to anyone who follows me on FB these days and I promise to try to be better about Twitter again but I have honestly been very busy writing and the like, oh and watching Doctor Who while I do so. For many years now several friends and family and all of the like have been telling me to watch Doctor Who, you love British stuff they said. You love cool smart stuff. They said and for whatever reason I dug my heels in as hard as I possibly could and said NOT RIGHT NOW..I WILL GET TO IT. The more the pestered the more I put it off. I chalk this up to my Taurus Irish German nature. It happens once in a while.
Anyways finally not feeling like reading and deciding I needed to watch something. So finally my little stubborn streak said, come on pick Doctor Who..just watch it a little bit. So I did. I started with the New Doctor Who vs the Classic because it just seemed the thing to do. So cue up Nine, I liked him but it just did not grab me. Adoring the show now like I do I can look back and think it is because he was so angry. While now I understand why Nine was as he was, and I appreciate how he changed with Rose it just made me kinda meh about the show. Like okay this is alright, don’t hate it but don’t really care that much. I watched though and watched some more, and then Nine regenerated into Ten. I will be perfectly honest, my first thought was “Oh hey it’s that cute guy I have seen in a couple of things. Scottish I think. Well he is cute I will give him a couple of episodes but if I do not love it I am done. So yes I gave Ten a chance because he was cute. That is not however what made me fall in love with the Doctor, My Doctor is Ten.
Christmas Invasion was a great episode for me it was the first time I felt more connected to what was going on the episode that really got it got me though was New Earth. What grabbed me most and what I continue to notice every time I watch was how much fun, and the infectious love for the role that David Tennant had. You could tell that he loved every moment as the Doctor, and thus you could not help but be pulled into that excitement and love and want to go with it. His range as an actor still leaves me blinking a lot in a good way. Towards the end, in Waters of Mars that moment when the Captain kills herself after he saved her, and he knows he has gone to far…before he says anything you can read the whole breakdown of it on his face, in his eyes. He never even would have had to say a word and I got it. It is that ability to do that and on the other side of the coin do the little Samba moment when Cassandra enters his body (I think that was THEE moment for me) that just make you love him.
I cried when Ten left us, I still do and I am watching it on netflix I can only imagine the trauma of a week by week season. I was of course I am sure like many experience ready to hate 11, especially since for me Ten was MY Doctor the one who made me love the show, this new guy PLEH. Well I do not hate him. He is not Ten by any means he is a very different Doctor, I am not attached to him but I do not hate him. There are moments when I feel more affection for him really, not the actors fault either because I think I was just destined not to feel a connection with whomever was after my Doctor. I do not wish him dead, but I am actually looking forward to seeing the Twelfth Doctor. I think the choice of actor is perfect I am glad they went older. Any younger and he would have been in diapers, and I am sure whatever brings about 11’s fall is going to be pretty traumatic so older just seems to fit. Not to mention Peter is a fantastic actor.
So yes I am a Whovian. I am proud of it. I am a geek. Proud of that too. And yes David Tennant makes me giggle a lot. whether he is Ten or not 🙂