# See translations/English-US.txt for instructions. # # Translations for page: includes/classes/WebCalMailer.class # by: Elçin Özel - Can Yılmaz - Mehmet Benlioğlu # loaded from PHPMailer, https://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmailer # # $Id: Turkish.txt,v 2008/09/05 17:59:23 bbannon Exp $ # Translation last updated on 09-05-2008 ################################################################################ # DO NOT "TRANSLATE" THIS SECTION # ################################################################################ # A lone equal sign "=" to the right of the FIRST colon ": " # indicates that the "translation" is identical to the English text. # # Specify a charset (will be sent within meta tag for each page). charset: iso-8859-9 # "direction" need only be changed if using a right to left language. # Options are: ltr (left to right, default) or rtl (right to left). direction: = # In the date formats, change only the format of the terms. # For example in German.txt the proper "translation" would be # __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: __dd__. __month__ __yyyy__ __mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__: = __month__ __dd__: = __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: = __month__ __yyyy__: = ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ######################################## # Page: about.php # Title: WebTakvimi ######################################## # Page: access.php # Go: göster Save: Kayit Admin: Sef Public: acik Confidential: özel Private: özel ######################################## # Page: add_entry.php # confidential: özel private: özel ######################################## # Page: admin.php # Select: Sec Day: Gün Week: Hafta Month: Ay Year: Sene Settings: Ayar Colors: Renkler Document background: Sayfa-arkasi Document title: Baslik Table cell background: Tabela Sayfa-arkasi Table cell background for current day: Tabela-arkasi 'Bugün' icin Help: Yardim Language: Lisan None: Hic Week starts on: Hafta baslangici time-format-help: Hangi saat özelligi kullanildigini gösterir:
12-saatlik: Saati 3am, 8:30pm vs. diye gösterir.
24-saatlik: Saati 3.00, 20.30 vs. diye gösterir. Time format: Saat 12 hour: 12-saatlik 24 hour: 24-saatlik Duration: Zaman work-hours-help: Zaman bölüntüsü Günlük görünüm icin. Work hours: Calisma zamani From: Kimden to: Kime Preferred view: Asil kullanim/gösteri display-week-number-help: Kacinci Hafta oldugunu (1-52) Aylik ve Haftalik görünümlerinde gösterir. Display week number: Kacinci Hafta display-unapproved-help: Onaylanmamis Terminler Takviminizde görülsünmü.
Eger "Evet", Onaylanmamis Termin'ler baska bir renkte olur.
Eger "Hayir", onaylanmamis Termin'ler onaylandiktan sonra Takvimde görünebilir. Display unapproved: Onaylanmamis Termin'leri gör Yes: Evet No: Hayir ######################################## # Page: adminhome.php # Preferences: Ana Ayar Users: Kullanici ######################################## # Page: approve_entry.php # Hello: Iyi günler Date: Tarih Time: Saat ######################################## # Page: category.php # Delete: Sil ######################################## # Page: docadd.php # Description: Anlam ######################################## # Page: edit_entry.php # minutes: Dakika Edit Entry: Islem degistir Add Entry: Islem ekle Participants: Katilanlar brief-description-help: Termin icin kisa Özet (20 Isaret). Takvimde bu görünür. Brief Description: Özel Anlami full-description-help: Terminin tamamen aciklamasi. Bu aciklamayi Kullanici Termin'de görür. Full Description: Tüm Anlam access-help: Termine giris özelliklerini gösterir.
Acik: Herkes her Detayli görebilir.
Özel: Termin'in varligini görebilir, ama hicbir Detayli göremez. Access: Giris priority-help: Termin'in Prioritesini gösterir. Prioritesi yüksek olan Termin'ler kalin yazi olarak gösterilir. Priority: Priorite High: yüksek Medium: orta Low: alcak date-help: Termin'in tarihini gösterir. time-help: Termin'in saatini gösterir.
Bos birakilabilir. duration-help: Dakika olarak Termin'in sürecegi zamani gösterir.
Bos birakilabilir. participants-help: Termine katilanlari gösterir. Daily: Günliük Weekly: Haftalik Monthly: Aylik by day: Günlere göre by date: Tarihe göre Yearly: Senelik Use end date: Bugün bitiyor Frequency: defa Delete entry: Islemi sil You are not authorized to edit this entry.: Sizin bu Islemi silmek icin hak sahibiz yok. ######################################## # Page: edit_entry_handler.php # A new appointment has been made for you by: Sizin icin bir Termin eklendi --> The following conflicts with the suggested time: Önerilen Terminde saat carpismasi Please look on: Bakiniz to accept or reject this appointment: Termini onaylamak/ret etmek. to view this appointment: Termini gör Scheduling Conflict: Termin carpismasi Your suggested time of: Isleminiz conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: takiben Takvimde baska bir Islemle carpisiyor. ######################################## # Page: edit_nonusers.php # Add User: Kullanici ekle Edit User: Kullanici ayar First Name: Ad Last Name: Soyad ######################################## # Page: edit_remotes_handler.php # Error: Hata ######################################## # Page: edit_report.php # Current User: aktüel Kullanici ######################################## # Page: edit_user.php # Username: Kullanici Adi E-mail address: E-Mail-Adresi Password: Sifre again: Tekrar Change Password: Sifre degistir New Password: Yeni Sifre Set Password: Sifreyi kullan ######################################## # Page: edit_user_handler.php # The passwords were not identical.: Verilen Sifreler esit degil You have not entered a password.: Sifre vermediniz ######################################## # Page: export.php # Export: Veriler export Export format: Export sekli Start date: Baslangic tarihi End date: Bitis tarihi Modified since: Degistirimler ######################################## # Page: group_edit.php # Updated: degistirme tarihi Created by: kuran kisi ######################################## # Page: help_admin.php # colors-help: Tüm renkler "#RRGGBB" olarak verilebilir. "RR" Kirmizi icin hexadesimal olarak, "GG" Yesil icin ve "BB" Mavi icin. ######################################## # Page: help_edit_entry.php # Adding/Editing Calendar Entries: Takvim-Islemi ekle/degistir Repeat Type: Tekrar türü Repeat End Date: Termin tekrarinin sonu Repeat Day: Tekrarin günü ######################################## # Page: help_index.php # Help Index: Yardim-Endeksi ######################################## # Page: list_unapproved.php # Approve/Confirm: Islem onaylansin Reject: Ret View this entry: Islemi gör Approve this entry?: Islem onaylansin? Reject this entry?: Isleme ret? ######################################## # Page: login-app.php # You must enter a login and password.: Kullanici Adi ve Sifre vermeniz gerekiyor. Save login via cookies so I dont have to login next time.: Tanimlamayi Cookie'ye kayit et, birdahakinde otamatik olarak girisi gecmek icin. Login: Giris cookies-note: Not: Takvimi kullanmak icin, Browser'inizde Cookie'leri kabul etmeniz gerekiyor. ######################################## # Page: pref.php # Save Preferences: Ayarlari kayit et ######################################## # Page: report.php # This event is confidential.: özel Termin Rejected: Islem onaylanmadi, eklenmeyecek ######################################## # Page: search.php # Search: Arama Keywords: Kelimeler ######################################## # Page: search_handler.php # You must enter one or more search keywords: En az bir Kelime girmeniz gerekiyor Search Results: Arama sonucu match found: Bulunan matches found: Bulunan No matches found: Bulunmiyor ######################################## # Page: select_user.php # View Another Users Calendar: Baska Kullanicilarin Takvimini göster ######################################## # Page: users.php # denotes administrative user: Sef Kullaniciyi gösterir Add New User: Yeni Kullanici ekle ######################################## # Page: view_entry.php # Approve/Confirm entry: Islem onaylansin? Reject entry: Isleme ret? This will delete this entry for all users.: Bu Islem tüt Kullanicilar icin siliniyor. Edit entry: Islem degistir ######################################## # Page: week_details.php # New Entry: Yeni islem ######################################## # Page: includes/access.php # Another Users Calendar: Baska Kullanicilarin Takvimi ######################################## # Page: includes/date_formats.php # December: Aralik Dec: Ara ######################################## # Page: includes/functions.php # Printer Friendly: Dostca Baski Generate printer-friendly version: Baski verziyonu üret January: Ocak February: Subat March: Mart April: Nisan May_: Mayis June: Haziran July: Temmuz August: Agustos September: Eylül October: Ekim November: Kasim Jan: Oca Feb: Sub Apr: Nis Jun: Haz Jul: Tem Aug: Agu Sep: Eyl Oct: Eki Nov: Kas The following error occurred: Takipteki Hatalar cikiyor You are not authorized.: Hak sahibi degilsiniz Unauthorized: Hak yok Error approving event: Islem onayinda hata Sunday: Pazar Monday: Pazartesi Tuesday: Sali Wednesday: Carsamba Thursday: Persembe Friday: Cuma Saturday: Cumartesi Sun: Pa Mon: Pt Tue: Sa Wed: Ca Thu: Pe Fri: Cu Sat: Ct ######################################## # Page: includes/trailer.php # My Calendar: Benim Takvimim Add New Entry: Islem ekle Logout: Cikis Back to My Calendar: Takvimime geri Go to: Git ######################################## # Page: includes/translate.php # event: Islem ######################################## # Page: includes/xcal.php # Unnamed Event: isimsiz olay ######################################## # Page: includes/classes/WebCalMailer.class # Notification: Not authenticate: SMTP Hatası: Doğrulanamıyor. connect_host: SMTP Hatası: SMTP hosta bağlanılamıyor. data_not_accepted: SMTP Hatası: Veri kabul edilmedi. encoding: Bilinmeyen şifreleme: execute: Çalıştırılamıyor: file_access: Dosyaya erişilemiyor: file_open: Dosya Hatası: Dosya açılamıyor: from_failed: Başarısız olan gönderici adresi: instantiate: Örnek mail fonksiyonu yaratılamadı. mailer_not_supported: mailler desteklenmemektedir. provide_address: En az bir tane mail adresi belirtmek zorundasınız alıcının email adresi. recipients_failed: SMTP Hatası: alıcılara ulaşmadı: ######################################## # Page: includes/js/admin.php # Invalid color for document background.: Renk Sayfa-arkasi icin gecerli degil Invalid color for document title.: Renk Baslik icin gecerli degil Invalid color for table cell background.: Renk Tabela-arkasi icin gecerli degil Invalid color for table cell background for today.: Renk Tabela-arkasi 'Bugün' icin gecerli degil Color format should be RRGGBB.: Renkler sadece '#RRGGBB' seklinde verilebilir. ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_entry.php # You have not entered a Brief Description: Özet Anlami vermediniz You have not entered a valid time of day: Gecerli saat vermediniz ######################################## # Page: includes/menu/index.php # Unapproved Events: Onaylanmamis Termin