Born in the Tundra of Minnesota, I have since become a bit of a Gypsy. Currently calling home base the hot sands of Arizona, I do still travel often. Whether the journey is a physical one, or one taken by reading a fantastic book it doesn't matter, the fun is always in the adventure. As always I am an eclectic person that likes a wide array of things and has many passions. Creating, advocating for animals and Mothering just to name a few.

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The Purple Booker

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College sports lovers have March Madness me, this year I have May Madness. My blogging has fallen down into the cracks despite my new theme that I adore. I have been saying it every year for the last few years, that I will blog more and do better and something always happens. So I have decided to stop saying that, be kinder to myself and blog when I am able. After all I have to give myself a little bit of leeway, it is not as if I am sitting on my butt doing nothing when I could be blogging. I am a busy working mummy and thus always on the go go go go go. My reading suffers for it as well, though I am learning to enjoy audio books and allowing my kindle to read to me more. I am sure I will have time again one day to read from a hard copy book. I am pondering leaving behind any stationery, crochet stuff ect when I go to Phoenix comic con next weekend and just bring a book. Not sure I will be able to convince myself to leave both of those things behind (the crochet and the stationery that is) LOL but I am at least thinking about it.

May is my birth month and then there are others in my life who also have Birthdays and then this year I decided I just HAD to do a cosplay (typical con stuff too it isn’t and even close to being done probably be finishing it in the hotel room lol), then work has been going gang busters and there just does not seem to be enough hours in in the day.

Slap in some other personal stuff along with some serious pain issues and I am just looking around going gah where did the month go?! Seriously. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with work, although I know I am blessed to be busy, I know I am blessed in general. I feel bad sometimes when I just want to shout about it and tell everything to piss off. I am sure many would want to be in my spot, but we all have those bad days eh? Stress heaped on stress, but I do love my work and my family. Little Creations of Bastet truly is a sweet little shop that is slowly but surely growing. I am rather proud of that and have gotten another wholesale order to fill this month. Lots of work, but something that makes me happy.

In other news so that this May Madness post ends on a happy note. Who is excited for POTC 5 and Wonder Woman?! I KNOW I AM! Fangirl that I am, lol.

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