My oh my where has the year gone! It is already December and I am having that deer in the headlights feeling of the end of the year holidays and the start of a new year coming up soon. It has been a year with ups and downs and all around for me your friendly web mistress here at Birth of a Notion, but I do not regret the year at all and I am looking forward to the fresh start that 2014 is going to bring.
I have long had a love hate relationship with the big up coming holiday of Christmas. All of the stress that everyone gets involved in is something I try to distance myself from. I end up seeming like a scrooge sometimes but I really do not mean too honestly. I always make it special for the kids of the two legged and four legged variety, but I also teach them more of the truth about the season. With that comment here comes the disclaimer.
I am Pagan. I have no issue with Christianity as I was raised Catholic, but I am Pagan. I do not celebrate the season in the standard way that many do.
With that disclaimer said I do not go around shouting from the roof tops about how Jesus was not born in December that the holiday was taken and made as it is because it was a Pagan holiday. However I do not hide the fact either. I never have and I never will. It also amuses me to no end how many people who never seem to care the rest of the year about their faith make sure to be all about it during this time of year. Bitter? Maybe a little bit but it annoys me. This meme that is going around however makes me laugh and I totally agree.
So there you have it. Now with that said we decorate, sing some carols (generally avoiding the Christ are savior is born types. sorry if that offends) and in general try to keep the feeling of good cheer going around. I try to do that every year of course but yes I do make some special effort in December. I also tend to say Happy Holidays when I offer that greeting/goodbye to people this time of year. *insert that disclaimer here again* and I do not say it because I am all anti Merry Christmas, I do not get offended if someone says either one to me and I do sometimes say Merry Christmas. The simple fact for me is there are more than one holiday that goes on this time of year. So I say Happy Holidays to include everyone in it, hey guess what not everyone celebrates Christmas folks! But they may celebrate something else.
Sadly going into December I am also behind on my correspondence. I hate being behind on that because I love my letter writing. I did get two letters done already today which is a plus I think alas there is 9 left in my pile to work on and all but 3 of them are from November. So if you are reading this and I owe you a letter. I am so sorry promise I am catching up!
Now all of that said..time to make some edible Yule decorations 🙂 you see I am trying not to be a scrooge honestly! Of course it is only Dec 3rd we will see how I feel near the end of the month with all the movies and music being played.